Patient Participation Group

Getting Your View

The Practice has a virtual patient participation group.This group of people are those patients who have agreed and given their consent for us to contact them by e-mail to ask their opinion on various subjects relating to the service the practice offers its patients. The same opinions will be sought in the form of paper questionnaires to be made available in the surgery. 

How often does the Participation Group meet?

We meet at the surgery, but not too often. We know that you are busy, so we meet only a few times per year and hope that you can join us.

If you can't make meeting in person, then don’t worry – you can still be part of our virtual group.

What is a virtual group?

A virtual group is a group of patients who would like to be part of the Patient Participant Group but prefer not to attend meetings. They get involved online instead. Information such as practice newsletters (in progress), minutes of the Patient Participant Group meetings and surveys will be shared electronically. It means that if you can't make it to face-to-face meetings, are caring for someone and unable to leave them, or are working, you can still be kept informed, give your views, and participate.

Will my views be heard?

Your views are important and will be listened to. It may not be possible to act on every suggestion, but all feedback is valuable and will be took into consideration. Working in a spirit of mutual respect, openness and trust, all patients' views will be discussed ad, where appropriate, we will work together on solutions.


What is the Patient Participation Group